Getting Started



npm i @bottlenose/rxsocketio --save


yarn add @bottlenose/rxsocketio

Open a two-way data stream using

The most common use for WebSockets is to open a bi-directional data stream to publish messages to the server and receive messages back from it. The package provides a conduit operator for this purpose:

import { from } from 'rxjs';
import { conduit } from '@bottlenose/rxsocketio';

const messagesToSend$ = from([
  {body: 'data'},
  {body: 'more data'},

// send messages over the WebSocket and receive messages back from it...
const socketResponse$ = messageToSend$.pipe(
  conduit({url: ''})
  console.log, // log all messages received from the server
  () => console.log('Socket Closed!') 

Sending messages with a topic

By default, objects piped into the conduit operator are sent to the 'message' topic. You can simply add a topic key to the objects to send them to a particular topic:

import { from } from 'rxjs';
import { conduit } from '@bottlenose/rxsocketio';

const messagesToSend$ = from([
  {body: 'Network TV is overrated', topic: 'television'},
  {body: 'The Beatles are really, really good.', topic: 'music'},

// send messages over the WebSocket and receive messages back from it...
const socketResponse$ = messageToSend$.pipe(
  conduit({url: '', topics: ['television', 'music', 'message']})
  console.log, // log all messages received from the server
  () => console.log('Socket Closed!')

Advanced options

You can also provide socketOptions, which will be passed into the Manager:

import { from } from 'rxjs';
import { conduit } from '@bottlenose/rxsocketio';

const messagesToSend$ = from([
  {body: 'Network TV is overrated', topic: 'television'},
  {body: 'The Beatles are really, really good.', topic: 'music'},

// You can override defaults by passing any of the options that can normally
// be given to a Manager object:
const socketOptions = {
  query: {token: 'mysuperseeeecrettoken'},
  timeout: 5000,

// send messages over the WebSocket and receive messages back from it...
const socketResponse$ = messageToSend$.pipe(
  conduit({url: '', socketOptions})
  console.log, // log all messages received from the server
  () => console.log('Socket Closed!')

Last updated