👍 Thank you for your interest in contributing.
The Code
Let's keep things simple. As contributors, we all agree to the following social contract:
We agree to keep a positive attitude and treat each other with respect.
We agree to make decisions and act in accordance with the Project's Goals, even if they may differ somewhat from our personal preferences and goals.
We agree to treat end users and other community remembers with respect, even if their level of experience and knowledge is different than our own. (Even if someone is disrespectful to us it still reflects poorly on the project if we lower ourselves to that level.)
We agree to practice honesty and not to mislead or badmouth our co-collaborators.
We agree to welcome others into the project and help them learn.
We agree that anyone who violates these rules should fess up and apologize.
We agree that project maintainers reserve the right to kick out any collaborator who breaks the social contract.
If you agree, then great! Welcome aboard!
Getting started
Contributors will need to install these dependencies:
node.js >10 (nvm is recommended but not required)
yarn >1.12
To contribute to the project, you'll need a working copy of the source code:
Recommended Workflow
We generally use the "pull request" workflow for all changes to the package. It typically works like this:
Cut a feature branch from dev:
git checkout -b new-feature
Make changes on the branch
Run tests:
yarn test
Lint the code (using Airbnb Style):
yarn lint
Commit changes to the branch and push it to GitHub
Make a pull request to the
branchA project maintainer will review the pull request and do a code review
💡 If you aren't a listed contributor to the project, then you can also fork the repository and make a pull request.
If enough contributors want to be involved, then we'll setup a chatroom. In the meantime, you can email the project authors.
Last updated
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